* James Ogley (james@usr-local-bin.org) [030904 23:57]:
I'm not an APT guru, so someone else feel free to correct me...
try apt-get install mozilla-1.4-SuSE.ulb.1
If APT can't do that, you can always manually install the Mozilla packages from www.usr-local-bin.org and then let APT get Galeon for you
If you've already got mozilla-1.4-7 which are the 1.4 SuSE packages installed apt will see them as newer then the ULB packages and therefore not install the ULB packages which are listed as a Dep for the ULB Galeon package. So I would uninstall the Mozilla-1.4-7 pkgs..install the ULB packages and just put 1 of them in /etc/apt/apt.conf to be held so that apt doesn't upgrade to the -7 SuSE packages. The SuSE packages gain you nothing really. -- Ben Rosenberg ---===---===---===--- mailto:ben@whack.org ----- If two men agree on everything, you can be sure that only one of them is doing the thinking.