On 9/13/21 11:14 PM, Masaru Nomiya wrote:
In the Message;
Subject : Re: XSane Message-ID : <162cc214-62b2-982b-3083-b49c95907600@optonline.net> Date & Time: Mon, 13 Sep 2021 22:57:33 -0400
[DM] == Douglas McGarrett <dmcgarrett@optonline.net> has written:
[...] DM> Downloaded file and let the system unpack it, but zypper won't install it and DM> rpm -Uvh file.rpm won't install it either.
DM> linux1:~ # zypper install imagescan-bundle-opensuse-15.2-3.65.0.x64.rpm DM> Specified local path does not exist or is not accessible. DM> Problem retrieving the specified RPM file: DM> Malformed URI: DM> Please check whether the file is accessible. DM> Problem with the RPM file specified as DM> 'imagescan-bundle-opensuse-15.2-3.65.0.x64.rpm', skipping. DM> No valid arguments specified.
DM> linux1:~ # rpm -Uvh imagescan-bundle-opensuse-15.2-3.65.0.x64.rpm DM> error: open of imagescan-bundle-opensuse-15.2-3.65.0.x64.rpm failed: No such DM> file or directory
Yes, it's just a confusing file.
After taz -zxf magescan-bundle-opensuse-15.2-3.65.0.x64.rpm.tar.gz,
# cd magescan-bundle-opensuse-15.2-3.65.0.x64.rpm # ./install.sh
That is, magescan-bundle-opensuse-15.2-3.65.0.x64.rpm is not a file, but a directory. You're right! It shows as a directory in the listing: drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 62 Jan 7 2021 imagescan-bundle-opensuse-15.2-3.65.0.x64.rpm I didn't notice that. But how do I deal with it? --doug
--- ┏━━┓彡 野宮 賢 mail-to: nomiya @ galaxy.dti.ne.jp ┃\/彡 ┗━━┛ 『「世界で一番企業が活躍しやすい国」を目指します。』