WELL SAID!!! I vote Kathee for president. :) Q On Wed, 2002-10-30 at 15:50, kathee wrote:
Have to throw my scarf (sorry don't wear hats) into the ring.
I wonder how many people still use their computer as a glorified typewriter? I mean with all the apps and power of PC's it seems all the world is focused on Word and Excel. Just my opinion, but of course, that is all people seem to cry about.
So, if MS Office is your tool of choice, stick with it and stick with Windoze (or use CrossOver like I do if I really have to).
But in all seriousness, I use my computer/laptop for so much more. I still watch users fumble with MS products. And then if they are using those they are playing games. Not my idea of the best use of a computer especially at work.
A funny thing -- my boss (CEO, as I am the CTO) told me about a week or so ago that he has to reboot 4-6 times a day because windoze just "freezes". My VP of Sales said she reboots about 6+ times a day since things just "stop responding". They have never really shared these comments before. I asked, "Why do you put up with it?" The replied, "I am used to it... yes, I sometimes lose files, but I have gotten in the habit of clicking 'save' about every 5 minutes so my losses are minimal."
I was stunned. I still wonder why we accept this garbage that M$ produces. When was the last time you (sorry I forgot the name of the original poster on this thread) sent a scathing letter like you did to M$?? Probably never. Oh, and I am sure you will say, "but I never have problems with my Windoze install." That is fine and dandy. I have never had problems with ANY of my linux distros and I use all 3 of the major vendors just because I like variety.
My point is simple -- why not just go buy a stripped down PC, load windoze on it with the bloated MS Office and move on? Does screaming at a company really accomplish anything? Especially on a public list?
I travel every week and I watch people "scream" at ticket agents, hotel employees and the like. It gets them nothing. More often than not, I walk up to whomever they were screaming up after they leave and apologize for the person even if I don't know them. I can't count the number of times I have been moved to First Class (without having to use upgrades) or given hotel Suites for no charge, and more. Yelling a b*tching does little to win over your cause. Perhaps in the M$ world it does, but I doubt they will ever listen. They simply want to control you, your PC and your software habits -- plain and simple.
Next time you don't like something, try a positive approach or simply move on. If you are so upset that things "dont't work for you", then "but another car"... This is not rocket science.
In closing, I will never understand the M$ world and why people accept such mediocrity. If my system just "froze" 6 or more times a day I would be on the phone, writing emails, or something to M$ to get it resolved. If my car simply "stopped working" 6 times a day, I would buy a new car. Why is it such a difficult thing to do? Don't we have enough problems in the world than to worry about how well a "glorified typewriter" is working on your desktop?
cheers Kat
On Tue, 2002-10-29 at 23:55, Salman Khilji wrote:
6. Let's see if OpenOffice as installed and polished by Suse is able to impress this business user: The default font in OpenOffice is Times.
Yes, I agree. I installed OO on my computer and uninstalled it within half-an-hour. Too disappointing. I would wait for a few more years (if Linux survives a few more years of course) to come back to Office suites on Linux. For me, MS Office still is the best choice. (Although I don't do much Word Processing at all).
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