On Wednesday, 6 October 2004 23.06, Anders Norrbring wrote:
I still haven't seen a solution on how to be able to use 8-bit coded characters in the subject line.
I have several php webapps that produces e-mails, and none of these seem to be capable of making an e-mail subject that includes our Swedish characters 'å ä ö Å Ä Ö'. I get e-mails daily WITH those chars. In the subject, so it certainly is possible.
I looked in the header info in one of these e-mails, and the subject in the header is "Subject: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Fl=E4kts_ljudniv=E5?=" Where the subject is displayed as "Fläkts ljudnivå".
I think you could solve this by either gettting your php software to not use quoted printable encoding for the emails, or getting a mail reader that knows how to read quoted printable encoding. Or perhaps your php software isn't setting the content encoding to quoted printable so the mail reader never knows it should even try?