I am tearing what little hair I still have! I have ~38 GiB of photos in a directory on the main drive. I need to copy these to a flash drive. I have a 128 GiB flash drive. I can only copy about 4 or 5 photos to the flash drive. (I am trying to do this with Dolphin as a source and File Manager as the destination.) After it copies about 5 files, it will not copy any more. Directory shows 14 MiB on the disk. (I have previously cleared the flash with gParted and told it to be fat32-- I need the flash to be readable on a Windows machine.) It is now showing in gParted as sda *and* sdb, with different sizes used, but no where near the full size of 128 GiB. This is not the only flash drive I have seen this problem with, but it's the only one I have that *should* be big enough to hold all the photos. ( I need to send them to an insurance company.) Failure message is "Could not write to /run/media/root/9458-DC92/insurance_pix/9:1_balun.jpg." I can't even try this on another computer without downloading all the files from the camera again. ( I will if necessary, but I don't understand the failure mode.) --doug