Hello all! I have a script that downloads the photos from a SD-card into a directory created with the date of "downloading". It then calls a second script that converts all the raw files to jpeg and place them in two sub folders under the parent. One for full size, and one for reduced. My problem: I dont preserve exif data with the current script. I need to extend it and i dont know how. I planed to use exiftool as it gives me every tag i want in its default state. But how do i make the script preserve the tags? #!/bin/sh echo `find -type f |wc -l` images to convert. for x in `ls *.pef | cut -d. -f1` do dcraw -f -c $x.pef | cjpeg -quality 90 > converted/big/$x.jpeg convert -scale 20% converted/big/$x.jpeg converted/small/$x.jpeg touch -r $x.pef converted/big/$x.jpeg converted/small/$x.jpeg done /Rikard Johnels