Hi: I walked away from Windows, once I installed OpenOffice641, and haven't looked back. PPT, transparencies, life is good. Now, if I could just figure out how to separate Adobe crap for pdf before I download, then life will be really good. My pdf viewer works for "real" pdf, but not the bastardized Adobe crap. Thanks, Tom On Tuesday 29 January 2002 20:22, Ralph Sanford wrote:
On Tue, 2002-01-29 at 20:42, jfweber@bellsouth.net wrote:
** On Tue, 29 Jan 2002 19:44:43 -0500 Doug McGarrett <dougmack@i-2000.com>dashed off this message:
**I also need a **WINE that works, guys, come on!
That isn't a suse specific project , is it? I'd be able to get rid of all Windows partitions left ( both of them <g>) if I could show the user that he can run PowerPoint and ( worse) create powerpoint presentations w/ wine .. tho , in that users case, it really needs to be one click and Powerpoint whatever version opens up looking as He expects it will.. I have managed to get him to at least start his projects in Linux (well, Star Office ) But there are apparently two good reasons to check or create the things in Win32 PowerPoint . Mainly having to do w/ "everybody" has Powerpoint on the laptops at Meetings and conventions ( He does a lot of lectures and speaking engagements as well as needs to be able to do custom presentations for various clients ) THis may be more important even than getting the whole world to stop using w32 stuff.. We need to find ways to make linux technology something that could be put onto a Palm/handpring visor or any other non Windows hand held. That any user could easily carry to conferences and plug right into the power supply in the Conference room, and proced to do presentations at least as good looking as the average PowerPoint Presentation. That very last bit shouldn't be too difficult, the average PP Presentation puts me to sleep in under a minute <G> but anyone who knows of suchlike tecnology out there now, or soon to be , please let me know. Off list if necessery. < nods to the "List Gods"> <smiles>
-- j
afterthought : And the only thing the Borg left was this Macintosh.
Have you looked at Staroffice6 beta or OpenOffice build 638 or 641? The staroffice6 beta is now closed, so you would have had to already downloaded it. The OpenOffice builds are available at www.openoffice.org. I have two computers using the Staroffice6 beta under SuSE 7.3 and have dramatically reduced the problems related to the import and export of msoffice files, especially powerpoint.
Previously my experience with SO 5.2 was the file conversion between SO 5.2 and msoffice was about 80 percent for text and spreadsheet and around 60 percent for presentations. Using Staroffice6 beta I would estimate the import and conversions to be around 95 percent. BTW, the powerpoint files range from 1.5 MB to 11 MB.
I have been using Staroffice6 beta for about 2 months now and have had very few problems corresponding with others using exclusively msoffice. Even text documents that are heavily formatted (multiple fonts, styles, tagged table of contents, embedded pictures, background colouring behind headings, multiple headers and footers) have been transferred between Staroffice6 and msoffice with very minimal problems. The minor problems with moving between Staroffice and ms office were no greater than the problems the other users had when transferring from one version of msoffice on one ms OS to another version of msoffice on a different ms OS.
As you say you are doing this for a client, then you should look at OpenOffice as the staroffice beta will expire at the end of March.