Hi New to Linux: SuSE 10.0, GNOME 2.12.2, Kernel 2.6.13, single user 32bit desktop Ran a System Update (after installing SynCE rpm as part of a project to sync Thunderbird/Sunbird with my iPAQ) and now, on boot, "gnome-volume-manager" always quits unexpectedly. Similarly, I now cannot run several routines from the desktop that require root privilege e.g. yast or many in GNOME control centre. I can run, and have run, yast2 as su in a terminal even though I get a "Session management error: ...". If I try to log in as root I get: 'Xlib ":0.0" refused by server ... ' (and then the dreaded) 'Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key' message [Note: this is an improvement, for at least now the system will not allow me log in as any user when using the root password ... (which it did until now)] I've Googled "MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1" but a workable solution eludes me ... Can anbody help me with a fix for this problem (... other than a complete rebuild)? Thanks Brian