On 7/25/05, Gil Weber <gil@gilweber.com> wrote:
Hi, everyone. I need to get a new pooter for my wife. Noticed this one available from Newegg.com and was wondering if the components are compatable with SuSE 9.3.
Unfortunately Newegg provides absolutely no technical support and can't answer questions about anything! :o(
Price is $1449.00. I know the video card alone is $360.
Particularly concerned about the motherboard and SATA drive.
Opinions? Thanks Gil
If Newegg won't answer your questions before they have your money, how do you think dealing with problems AFTER they have your money will be? I wouldn't buy from a company that provides absolutly zero tech support. Dotan http://lyricslist.com/lyrics/artist_albums/389/osbourne_ozzy.php Osbourne, Ozzy Song Lyrics