On Wed, 2005-04-27 at 11:46 -0500, Jack Brooks wrote:
On Wed, 2005-04-27 at 09:19 -0700, Preston Crawford wrote:
With regards to Firefox specifically, though, did you upgrade recently via YOU? What version of SuSE are you running. I'm running 9.2 and the latest YOU upgrade is horribly broken. I fixed it by uninstalling and rolling back to a previous patch in the place where patches are kept, but it's kind of silly. I shouldn't have to do that. Novell should be testing patches before releasing them. That's my point. If they're not going to bother testing them, why shouldn't I use Fedora or something else bleeding edge?
I'm running 9.3. I did update via YOU. Sometimes they do issue patches that don't quite work but they usually get fixed fairly quickly once they start getting reports of the problem. At least that seems to have been the case in my experience.
Of course, if you'd like, I suppose you could try downloading firefox from the ftp.gwdg.de repositories. That might help. Pure speculation on my part.
It's disturbing, though, to see them miss the mark so badly on such a vital piece of software. I've seen bad YOU updates before. But they don't usually involve such a vital piece of software as your web browser. Yes, I've seen a bad kernel update in my time, but these should be the exception. Seems like I've seen more lately. I hope this gets fixed soon. If not I'm going to have to start looking around. Preston