Just a curiosity, but is this sound problem with 5.3 only related to Sound Modules? I have always compiled my kernels with sound installed right into the kernel (i.e. not a loadable module). I don't have my version of 5.3 yet...but should I expect problems? Up to now with sound right in the kernel I have had no problems. Even though my card is PnP, at that. No, I have not needed to even run ISAPNP. Surprisingly, I guess, I have had success. ---------------------------------- Arlen Carlson adcarlso@visinet.ca After living in New York, you trust nobody, but you believe everything. Just in case. This message was sent by XFmail (Linux) ---------------------------------- - To get out of this list, please send email to majordomo@suse.com with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e