Mon, 28 Aug 2023 15:04:09 +0930 Simon Lees <> :
On 8/27/23 10:22, bent fender wrote:
Sat, 26 Aug 2023 14:21:26 +0200 Bengt Gördén <> :
On 2023-08-26 13:11, bent fender wrote:
Yoshimi-2.2.0-1.5 cannot be started.
I haven't seen Yoshimi officially in TW. I use edogawas repo. And 2.2.0 is old. It's that is the latest. is there for both leap & tw
I installed and now the same error just reads Yoshimi- cannot be started :-))
Well these are still all experimental which sometimes doesn't help with stability especially when there are rebuilds of other things.
If a newer version produces the same error as the earlier one then that's not a likely cause though, even less so if both of them run fine on other systems. I *am* very new to Yoshimi but at this level the amount of damage that I can manage hasn't started yet :-) Sometimes I think there is not enough testing, if depends are satisfied and the app launches then it goes up on the repos (ND some should expand their depens lists though). I wonder if automatic error reporting to the devs would not be a better idea then bugzilla, I mean what *percentage* of users resort to bugzila (for any number of valid reasons)?