Carlos E. R. ( wrote something I wish to comment : (news:<Pine.LNX.4.61.0506151308470.11528@nimrodel.valinor> posted on 15-juin-05 13:10:46)
Not Linux, but SuSE, sp 9.3. Some users have reported strange behaviour with the spanish keyboard. It doesn't even happen for all users in the same machine! Me, I can not type acented wovels (áéíóú) in OO, I have to paste them from an xterm.
Check in /var/log/SaX.log Do you see lines like: The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports: > Error: Can't find file "pc" for geometry include ? AmigaPhil, world citizen. /No MS-HTML mail please/ PGP key: 0x9C07F6C1 -----BEGIN ECHELON TEASER----- The following garbage may or may not contain crypted message. At least you now know I'm an advocate for the respect of privacy. ttWyzvYvapd6EapTp5yJaOHSItkFOOBHltUDpIISjxtFyRFKyEHE0yDctzvHVvySMOxVRxhV OIvLWESOORVtMn53AFJpPG2MlqnR0bWyFIDJHpHnUTArODEz1VApjvADvHVytWOHVCULHVtJ RzzqlctaSGqdEHRBpIbIqotIIKFLzMyUI5FMlzlJlxFO1VVDlOR5MMFqfEvOVMvuVNP3tG== -----END ECHELON TEASER-----