-----Original Message----- From: Richard Bos [mailto:allabos@freeler.nl] Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2002 1:00 PM To: suse-linux-e@suse.com Subject: Re: [SLE] apt-get question.....
You could not have read it, as I just put it in ;)
Doh! ;)
Nop. The base packages are being with update packages. These packages are part of the "update" component. A disadvantage of leaving out base, it that apt will not be able to resolve all dependencies. E.g. if you
install abiword (apt-get install abiword), it needs the package pspell. This package is only found in base. In this case you need to insert base again to get abiword installed.
Ah, makes sense now there.
Could be I don't know the details of RHN.
My understanding, is that you rant rhn in a cron and it did essentially what apt-get is doing. I wonder if the new YOU is going to be based on apt-get? Sounds like to me this would be a real winner.
It does not require additional bandwidth! The packages are already created and downloadable. However, untill recently it had to be performed manually, now you can do it semi-automatic.
Well perhaps, in principle this is correct. However, as apt-get gets popular, I'm sure ftp.gwdge.de (or whatever that site is, forgive me for my spelling.. I'm a programmer, not an language arts person) is going to get a lot more traffic. Ick.
I think that "apt-cdrom" can be used for this. Never used it though.
Ah ha. Thanks Mr. Richard! Glen Goldsmith