11 Nov
11 Nov
Stakanov wrote:
In data mercoledì 11 novembre 2020 18:10:37 CET, James Knott ha scritto:
On 2020-11-11 11:59 a.m., Stakanov wrote:
Hello to everyone reading this. Provided i wish to determine my route(s) on my network.
which of these packages is NOT deprecated: iproute, iproute2, netstat (is deprecated). The first two I do not know. Have they all been superseded by "ss"? I am a bit lost on what is still maintained and what not. Formerly I used e.g.
arp but I have read it is deprecated. Netstat too.
Yes, they are both deprecated. use 'ip neigh' instead of arp. -- Per Jessen, Zürich (7.9°C) http://www.dns24.ch/ - your free DNS host, made in Switzerland.