B. Stia wrote:
Hello SuSE folk,
Since this is an international list I thought many of you would not see this. I thought it is important for you to know. It was a newspaper article in the St. Petersburg Fl. Times.
MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) has developed a very innovative and rugged $100 dollar laptop for children which is to be mass produced and runs Linux. Within a year 5 to 15 million will be produced for children in Brazil, China, Egypt, Thailand, and South Africa.
Within a few years 100 to 150 million will be made and distributed to children all over the world. The State of Massachusettts will purchase 500,000 next year to distribute to their school children. To see the entire article visit the folowing URL.
IMAGINE !!!! 100 million kids learning to use Linux !!
Bob S.
A chilling thought, thousands of 7 year olds doing kernel development and writing Linux apps. Jon "Mad-dog" Hall some years ago told us at the London conference of such a kid who walked up to him at Atlanta and said "Mr. Hall, you may not remember me, but I sent you the Linux kernel patch that ..............". It gives King Billy a few more sheep to count at nights on top of the toasting Massachuchetts handed out and the thought that there are several more states and governments no doubt have their strategy defined for them and Mother MS knows best isn't working. Looking forward to the Linux World Conference and Exhibition at Olympia next week Wed/Thurs, shall be there on Wed to savour the delights and perhaps pick up a copy of SuSE 10.0. Regards Sid. -- Sid Boyce ... Hamradio License G3VBV, licensed Private Pilot Retired IBM/Amdahl Mainframes and Sun/Fujitsu Servers Tech Support Specialist Microsoft Windows Free Zone - Linux used for all Computing Tasks