Alberto, On Wednesday 21 September 2005 17:36, Alberto Santana wrote:
Hello all,
In an attempt to prosecute unauthorized users who improperly use government computers, we are required to have a warning banner displayed before any user can login, in my case to Linux workstations. Is there a way to do that in SuSE. I know /etc/motd and/or /etc/issue could be used for network access but what about something like a window displaying the warning message with an "I ACCEPT" button right in front of graphical logon screen?
Use one of the commands dialog, kdialog or Xdialog to present the dialog you require. They can be given labelled buttons and you can test that the required button was clicked. You can put the pertinent invocation into /etc/bash.bashrc, /etc/csh.cshrc and / or /etc/zshrc (and the system-wide start-up script for any and all shell in use on your system).
Any tips... ... Alberto Santana, Ph.D.
Randall Schulz