Pascal Bleser wrote:
There already _is_ an opensource version of SUSE Linux: that's the one you downloaded the ISOs on the internet, it's the "SUSE Linux OSS" distribution. It does _not_ include proprietary packages like Opera, Realplayer, ...
Yep, that was so since years. SuSE Linux comes on ftp for free download, 3 month after selling, without some proprietary packets. In the last SuSE 9.3 there also the Kernel rpm's are splitted in GPL and non GPL packages. And now that is OpenSUSE you can get on ftp, bevor it's selling in shops, and the comunity can help to develop it.
The "other" distribution is "SUSE Linux", sold as a boxed set (soon for 10.0, has been announced recently). It's actually the same as "SUSE Linux OSS" + some proprietary packages like Realplayer and Java.
Ciao Marco.