On 2023-08-31 09:40, Carlos E. R. wrote:
On 2023-08-30 22:39, Bob Rogers wrote:
From: "Carlos E. R." <> Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2023 21:56:19 -0400
But if Thunderbird can filter based on other email headers, I don't see why it shouldn't also be able to handle "List-ID:" headers as well.
Well, for example on imap.gmx.es, I can't, the filters based on those that I use on Alpine stopped working, with an error similar to imap server side searches not supported. Meaning, that header is not part of the imap preview. Alpine has to do a full download of the entire imap inbox folder in order to apply the filtering.
Same thing for Thunderbird, except that Th caches the entire folder on disk, and only has to download them once, for new messages.
However, on Th that header has to be added, it is not listed by default. I may have it now because I added it on the past.
Partially related, I noticed on such an email today, and I saw only one header with "List... something", it was a "List-Unsubscribe:" with a web link. I pasted it on FF, and got "Link is invalid" response. List-Unsubscribe: <https://links.housfy.com/e/eh?_t=....LONGSTRING,<mailto:unsubscribe+number+number@unsubscribe.iterable.com> I might try to mail to that address at the end of the link, or just forget it, and just redirect to another folder (which can be /dev/null). -- Cheers / Saludos, Carlos E. R. (from openSUSE 15.5 (Laicolasse))