On my system the CD-writer is mounted this way
mount /dev/cdrecorder /cdrecorder
Have you also done these steps?
Enter Lilo installation in Yast and write 'hdc=ide-scsi' in the Append
field. Do 'mcedit /etc/init.d/boot.local' and write '/sbin/modprobe ide-scsi' at
yup ----- Original Message ----- From: "jostber" <jostber@online.no> To: <scsijon@net2000.com.au>; <suse-linux-e@suse.com> Sent: Monday, June 04, 2001 9:16 PM Subject: Re: [SLE] Help: i've stuffed up and now have a cdwriter errorHI line the
end of the file. Then enter 'ln -sf /dev/scd0 /dev/cdrom' as root. Enter Yast and choose 'Adjustment of installation' and 'Select installation medium', select 'SCSI' and then 'SCSI cd 0'. You must have a cd in your CD-writer. When you reboot, the system should now recognize your CD-writer and you can use X-cd Roast.
Jostein Berntsen
On Monday 04 June 2001 11:02, scsijon wrote:
tried to mount my cdwriter with mount /cdrom
and got an error back mount: /dev/scd0: unknown device
I have
/cdrom directory with drwxr-xr-x 2 root root
have in /etc/fstab
/dev/scd0 /cdrom auto ro,noauto,user,exec 0 0
have in /dev
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 june 18:14 cdrom -> /dev/scd0
brw-r--r-- 1 root disk 11, 0 jan 19 19:36 scd0
(in yellow)
has anyone any idea what i've done wrong. Yes i've been fiddling, trying to get a check and automount script to work