Stewart Watson wrote:
In the UK magazine Personal Computer World, it mentions Lin4Win from http://www.trelos.com as an alternative to Wine or VMWare for running Windows programmes.
The bane of my life is having to boot to Win98 to run Quicken as I have had no success with either Wine or VMWare.
Does anyone have any experience of Lin4Win they could share?
I've been using it for a month or so now and I've been *very* impressed. I'm currently beta-testing the next release. I specifically have been able to run Quicken under it, though you may have to reinstall Quicken in the Win4Lin (not Lin4Win) image to get that to work. However, you'll be able to share your actual files between native Win98 and Win4Lin provided you keep them on some partition other than C:. Amazingly, the performance is very close to, and sometimes seems to be better than, native Win98. But not all Win98 features are supported. In particular, sound isn't supported in Version 1.0 (it will be in Version 2.0 and works in the beta version). There are a number of complications with networking that I haven't been following. And you can't write CDs under Win4Lin, though you can transfer files to Linux and then write them using xcdroast or something similar. Another nice thing about Win4Lin is that it doesn't do a lot of violence either to your Linux system or to Windows itself. In fact, it runs quite independently of the native Win98 partition. Paul Abrahams -- To unsubscribe send e-mail to suse-linux-e-unsubscribe@suse.com For additional commands send e-mail to suse-linux-e-help@suse.com Also check the FAQ at http://www.suse.com/support/faq