After replacing a failed hard disk a few weeks ago, I re-installed SuSE 9.3 from DVD. When I login to a KDE session, there's a DVD icon on the desktop, and if I eject and re-instert, the "SU930.001" icon goes away and comes back. I can browse its contents, etc., in Konqueror. Yet, when I tried to update KDE with YaST, it went through all the finding and downloading and package checking (hundreds of packages), and then decided that it needed some stuff from the DVD... and says it cannot find the device. Yet, Konq and the desktop think that the DVD is: Type: Mounted DVD Location: /(media) Ownership User: root Group: root Base URL file:///media/SU930_001 Device Node: /dev/hdc So, why can't YaST see it? How do I make YaST see it? If this problem was dealt with recently, what was the keyword for archive search? I've looked through hundreds of KDE update and YaST DVD messages. Thanks, Kevin