The 03.06.29 at 20:08, Tim Penhey wrote:
My problems with procmail are: - How do you handle the situation where the mail is sent to multiple people whom I need to forward the email to, or put into a cyrus mailbox.
I don't see the problem...
- What happens when the users email address is in a CC or BCC header
Have you read the promailrc man page? What you ask is documented: If the regular expression contains `^TO' it will be substituted by `(^((Original-)?(Resent-)?(To|Cc|Bcc)|(X-Envelope |Apparently(-Resent)?)-To):(.*[^a-zA-Z])?)', which should catch all destination specifications containing a specific word.
There are probably more, I just can't think of them right now.
Procmail was designed for that task. Read the doc and try (with a safety net: as explained in the man). -- Cheers, Carlos Robinson