On 2021-09-11 20:58:37 Felix Miata wrote:
|Carl Spitzer composed on 2021-09-11 21:01 (UTC-0400): |> Andrei Verovski wrote: |>> Run qt5ct as superuser, reconfigured to use 14pt fonts, no changes in |>> YaST, sorry. |>> Checked MATE and KDE settings, all fonts 14 pt. |>> PS. I use MATE desktop, it shows everything correctly. |> |> My test also did not result in change in yast under Mate. |> So what is next is this one of those reboot times as in the Suse10.0 |> past?? | |I never install Mate in openSUSE. I just opened an IceWM session in TW. In | Xterm I opened YaST2 as non-root user to find expected size fonts. I | closed YaST2 and opened qt5ct as non-root user, changed fonts from 12 to | 16 for both settings, closed qt5ct, and finally opened YaST2 again to | find its main pane fonts much larger, as expected, "some" because | Software -> Media Check is all that shows up in Control Center here as | non-root. The "YaST Control Center" title font size was not affected, | which I think has been a bug for many many moons.
I'm using TDE for my desktop, and don't have Plasma installed. I installed qt5ct to change this setting, but it doesn't like that theme environment variable | QT_QPA_PLATFORM=qt5ct isn't installed, and though it saves the new settings, they don't take effect. I suppose that there are other requirements that might come up once I fix this; how can I install the least amount of Plasma to make this work? Leslie -- Distribution: openSUSE Leap 15.3 x86_64