On 06/07/2020 10.11, Robin Klitscher wrote:
A fresh installation from DVD of Leap 15.2 from the official image released on 2 July but dated 26 June in the mirrors. KDE Plasma desktop. The only departure from the published 15.2 standard is the nVidia proprietary drivers installed “the hard way” to replace Nouveau.
Installed VirtualBox 6.1.10. There are a number of issues, but the one I least understand is outlined below.
Trying to boot a vm fails with a message that I’m not a member of the vboxusers group. The command <groups> in a terminal confirms this. This is consistent with the GUI “User and Group Management” module in YaST, which does not offer the vboxusers group as an option at all, so I can't add it using the GUI. The command <usermod -aG (group) (username)> has no effect.
So it would seem that the group vboxusers isn't present. Except that trying to add group vboxusers using <groupadd> (as root) from the command line returns the message “vboxusers already exists”. And it is indeed listed in /etc/groups as vboxusers:x:461
So we have a situation where the VirtualBox installation, the command <groups> in a terminal and the YaST GUI all think the vboxusers group is missing. In direct contradiction, however, the command <groupadd> in a terminal and the content of the file /etc/groups think it does exist.
That doesn't make sense, but figuring out why is well beyond my expertise. I certainly don’t know how to fix it (or even if it’s fixable). But are there any suggestions; or do I bite the bullet and re-install the OS from scratch?
In a terminal: su - vipw And edit the line for your user to add the group "vboxusers". Warning: it uses the editor "vi". If you do not like that, change or create the setting EDITOR in root's .bashrc: Telcontar:~ # cat .bashrc #export EDITOR=/usr/bin/mcedit export EDITOR=/usr/bin/jstar Telcontar:~ # Then relogin. -- Cheers / Saludos, Carlos E. R. (from 15.1 x86_64 at Telcontar)