On Fri, Dec 26, 2003 at 07:23:37PM +0700 or thereabouts, Des Aubery wrote:
Thanks... my modem - under Windows - seemed to have the 'voice' facility - or so it said on the box... how would I check that my modem does indeed have this voice feature & that it is accessible under Linux?
Well, first, is your modem accessable under SUSE to begin with? I don't know what version you are running, but v9 is supposed to support winmodems. If it is accessable now, then it will probably work. There is a program that I used years ago, and is still available, mgetty that acts as a fax machine, and also accepts voice calls. You can find mgetty by using Yast2, Install and Remove Software/ and search for mgetty.. If you use SUSE < v9, and you are using a winmodem, you probably will have a great deal of trouble accessing that modem to begin with. So, the first thing is to see if your modem will work. -- Gary