From: Jerry Kreps <> Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 16:53:19 -0600 Message-Id: <00112216531906.31230@JLKreps> Subject: Re: [SLE] follow email headers I've been running ADSL 27/7 on SuSE since August, 1999. First with 6.3 and now with 7.0. I have a Cisco 675 router acting as a DHCP server, on a 24 hour lease. Even though they could give me a different IP everytime the lease is renewed, they don't. My IP and the DNS IPs are static. I think they do this as a form of tracking. The Cisco is also acting as a marvelous firewall. When I have various security sites scan my address they can't even tell there is a computer there. I get Tier 1 service, which is 384Kb, or about 35-50 Kbytes/sec on a download. Roughly 120Mb/hour. JLK <p>On Wednesday 22 November 2000 06:41, Richard Booth wrote:
Hi all
Does anyone have ADSL or cable access on SuSE? My post yesterday was concerning the availability of IP addresses and using ADSL or cable. Presumably with always on connection the IP address is static and therefore from email headers and the like your IP address can easily be obtained and your network hacked over a number of days.
The plan is to have a firewall setup with SuSE 7 to provide cover, but I have seen some email headers that do not display the computer name or IP address, they just show [unverified] for the IP address and wondered if this is possible to provide further cover?
Thanks Rich
When sending email from Kmail the receipent can see the server name and the IP address of the sender. Is there a way of not showing the IP address or server name in the email headers when sending mail using Kmail?