Funny you should mention this today. I ended up switching to KDE because of this, and today (for the first time in ages) I used a gnome application (bittorrent) from within KDE, within 5 minutes one of the cores on my CPU was maxed out at 100% usage! When I originally logged this on bugzilla I was completely underwhelmed by the response. I think the problem lies with which file modification manager gnome uses: "fam" or "gam". Not certain, but I think the way they (eventually) suggested fixing it was to delete gam and install fam. I guess this should be fixed in SuSE 10.1, but I haven't been "brave" enough to try it yet...... Cheers, Jon Collinson, Adrian wrote:
Sorry for the unsolicited email but after seeing you posting re "Gnome and SuSE 10 too unreliable" on the Internet I wondered if you managed to find a resolution to your problem?Experiencing exactly the same here.
* Adrian Collinson Head of IT*
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