Greetings all, Background... running SuSE 10.0 GM and added a DVD burner after the install. (which was upgraded from 9.3 btw) Anyways, the DVD burner ended up as /dev/hdd on my system and I added the following to the /etc/fstab: /dev/hdd /media/dvdrecorder subfs noauto,fs=cdfss,ro,procuid,nosuid,nodev,exec,iocharset=utf8 0 0 Then I added a few symbolic links to /dev for /dev/hdd which included /dev/dvd (which Kaffine seems to need) along with /dev/dvdrecorder. (not really needed) In addition, you need to create the /media/"dvdrecorder" directory (or whatever you want to call it) Basically, it's late and this is NOT the greatest tutorial but then again you can ask questions later. :) Anyways, I'm able to watch my movies and such, so all is good. Dana