Good day Tom, please do not CC me, when you also post to the list. I'm on the list, and just recieved your post twice. Mandag den 15. september 2003 19:55 kvad tallison@tacocat.net:
Good day Tom, If you are using one of the .suse.com-servers, you may simply be experiencing extreme slowness. Suse's servers are _very_ over loaded.
Try a mirror.
Best regards :o)
Johnny :o)
I expect that the problem was just too many users and I couldn't get on. I switched servers and it's much better.
I assume there is a list of mirrors on the suse website. But how do you determine which ones are closest to you?
I never do. I try out some different servers and pick the fastest one. I suggest you do the same. Even if you were next door to the over loaded SuSE server, it would still be very slow. Best regards :o) Johnny :o)