Hello all, In an attempt to prosecute unauthorized users who improperly use government computers, we are required to have a warning banner displayed before any user can login, in my case to Linux workstations. Is there a way to do that in SuSE. I know /etc/motd and/or /etc/issue could be used for network access but what about something like a window displaying the warning message with an "I ACCEPT" button right in front of graphical logon screen? Any tips... -- Best wishes, Alberto +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ Alberto Santana, Ph.D. Department of Chemistry University of Puerto Rico - Mayaguez P.O. Box 9019 Phone: (787) 832-4040 x3760 Mayaguez PR 00681-9019 http://www.uprm.edu/~asantana +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ Powered by SuSE Linux Professional 9.2 (http://www.suse.com)