23 Sep
23 Sep
Hi. I use a socalled Clarkconnect server based oh RH9.0. I very often have used the ssh command the a local machine running SuSE 8.2. If I enter ssh 192.168.1.xxx, I receive this: "ssh: connect to 192.168.1.xxx port 22: No route to host." What does this indicate, and what possible services are maybe not running ?. It came suddenly and so far I'll say, that I haven't touched anything, that could have done it. Advices are more than welcome. -- Med venlig hilsen - Best regards. Erik Jakobsen - eja@urbakken.dk. Licensed radioamateur with the callsign OZ4KK. SuSE Linux 8.2 Proff. Registered as user #319488 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org.