At 08:38 PM 2/1/2001 +0100, Jim wrote:
On Wed, 31 Jan 2001, Phil Shrimpton wrote:
From: Damon Register
I was drooling too until I saw the price. The price is too high.
They are releasing the 'full' version for free if you want to develop open source software.
james , as a newbie who has dabled with delphi and writen half a dozon or so app, I'll risk having to put on the asbestos underware and give my thaoghts on this. I come from windows and have dabled with clarion/clipper/zachary and realy liked delphi. I jumped on linux with suse 5.3 and it realy blew my socks of as far as being rock solid and its ability to run on older hardware. I finfaly had enough of BSOD and magical reboots that leave you sytstem with whole new set of drives that dont match your hardware.
What is better with Delphi? I mean I can program in 5 other languages, why
Im imprtance ist RAD second native compiled apps. Its the visual interface that allows you to drop components and hook them together than tweak the code by hand , then be able to go back to the visial tools make changes and not have to re do you hand coding.
should I learn this one? What makes it better than C for example? Any ideas on
C is a lot more verbose and cryptic to me as a newbie. all those squigly brackets and syntax for the if then and other contro; structures look and feel very odd to me. Jave is a bit better but not by much. Java is realy too sloww so kylix looks very promising. I like pascal (exept for the begin/end monotny and lole how clean python code looks) in that it has strong typing , clear syntax in comparison c/jave. I started with clarion and clipper where clipper had soft data handling.
how hard it will be to port a Delphi program from W$ to Linux?
Very easy if oyu use the CLX components , all you will need to do is change the uses clause then recompile. Kind of like changing the #include in c/java i think. This assume you use the clk and dont us any os dependedant stuff that wont cross over. That is a real jewal for guys who make a living coding and making apps , they can devolope it once edit , recompile and slap it on linux/windows.
BTW how big is the d/l, and will SuSE ever add it to their CDs?
These kind od downloads are allways big , I you are using modem like me , order the cd , have a budy burn one for you or DL it overnight. Hey of suse doesent have it on cd that wont stop me.
Jim Hatridge Proud Linux User #88484 Owner -- beowulf-newbie list
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