I don't know! Mine has been stuck for the last 6 months that I've been running Linux full time! Every time I read an article like the one at: http://grc.com/dos/grcdos.htm My smile just widens! I know I look like a complete idiot, smliing all the time, but I can't help it :-) I guess people are just used to seeing all those frowning and pouting Windows users, who wish they had some of their money back as they look at a BSoD or lose their work to a crashing office program. Have a great day! -Steven On Thursday 31 May 2001 01:21 pm, Dave Gregory wrote:
MY SMILE IS STUCK!!! What do I do Steve?
-----Original Message----- From: Curtis Rey [mailto:crrey@home.com] Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 9:44 AM To: Steven Hatfield; suse-linux-e@suse.com Subject: Re: [SLE] Microsoft Software Cost Analysis (Was: Re: [SLE] suse 7.2!!)
A(F#$%ing)MEN. That's the info I was looking for. May I have your permission to use parts of this to mail to editors and mag writers in response to their articles? If you'ld like I can make sure that the source is either declarative or anonymous.
Cheeeeeeeeeeeeers, Curtis Rey
On Thursday 31 May 2001 09:16 am, Steven Hatfield wrote:
On Thursday 31 May 2001 01:56 am, you wrote:
On Wednesday 30 May 2001 22:51, Ben wrote:
I would rather pay $50 every 6 months then $300 (W2K Feb 2000) then have to spend another $150-200
XP 18 months later..and when Linux improves..it impoves..it's not just cosmetic most of the time. This is just my opinion.
I would rather pay $300.00 for 3 Linux Distros than be given Microsoft Windows for free.
How the hell M$ sold so much software is a mystery to me. It's really pathetic stuff. The detractors of Linux say it comes with no applications. Are these people brain dead? All Linux distros come with C, C++, Python and Perl. All you get with M$ is Visual Basic. I'd rather use my K+E Log-Log Duplex Decitrig slide rule that that stuff.
So let's do some addition. I'm going to give it to you right between the eyes, so that everyone here knows what a business *should be paying* for Microsoft's software. The "business" could also be a department in a
business, but I'm assuming that the "business" has 25 people or less, will have 1 central server that will be running SQL Server 2000 for their database, that there are 24 "sales/marketing people and/or project managers" and 1 "developer". In a real scenario, you'd have to accomodate
"DBA", at least 1 "sysadmin", and at least 1 "computer operator" that
run batch programs to process whatever data the business was in to. There would probably be more than 1 developer too, but if this "business" is
starting off, they might be running with a lean crew, which would force
developer to wear many hats.
I am not going to take into account the price of any hardware, this is
a study in the cost of doing business using Microsoft's software products. I'm also depicting a business starting from scratch -- no "upgrades". My goal is to show you how much money a business pays to Microsoft just for their software.
Disclaimer: This is not a definitive guide, it's just me (a developer who has been working with Microsoft's software for 10 years) doing a bit of cost analysis. I was also a sysadmin for a company that switched to be all Microsoft and have seen this first hand. Prepare to be shocked.
These listings are all from http://www.outpost.com, which is a 6 year old online retailer, and which I've found to have somewhat decent pricing.
even provide the item numbers, and URLs, in case you want to verify everything for yourself.
Item No: 99376 Product: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server with 25 Client Access Licenses Price: $3,549.00 URL: http://shop2.outpost.com/product/99376 NOTE: The Advanced Server edition is required to run SQL Server 2000.
Item No: 99826 Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition (1 Processor License) Price: $4,800.00 URL: http://shop2.outpost.com/product/99826 NOTE: This might not be the right version, but who cares.
Item No: 11690 Product: Microsoft Exchange 2000 Enterprise Server (25 Clients) Price: $6,529.95 URL: http://shop2.outpost.com/product/11690
Item No: 99373 Product: Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Price: $279.95 URL: http://shop2.outpost.com/product/99373 NOTE: You need 25 of these.
Item No: 54150 Product: Microsoft Office 2000 Professional Price: $549.95 URL: http://shop2.outpost.com/product/54150 NOTE: You need 25 of these.
Item No: 67374 Product: Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 6.0 with Plus Pack Price: $1,029.00 URL: http://shop2.outpost.com/product/67374
Ok, So here we do the final addition: $3,549.00 $4,800.00 $6,529.95 $279.95x25=$6998.75 $549.95x25=$13748.75 $1029.00 ---------------------------------------- For a grand total of: $36,655.45
And that is just in software purchases alone... and I have left out a
of other software that people would need, like resource kits and regular 3rd party business type software (anti-virus, system management, backup, etc).
I wouldn't be surprised if a business "start up" would pay more than $40,000 in just regular software licenses. Keep in mind, there are only 25 "allowed" client accesses to the server. So after spending $40K large, you are *still* limited in what you can do!
So there you have it.. why open source software will kick the living sh*t out of closed source Microsoft software... as soon as businesses cannot easily and transparently pirate this software, they *will* come looking
something else. And we'll be ready.
Or you can get SuSE's 7.1/7.2 Professional distribution, which comes with $40,000 worth of software, for the low low price of just $70.00.
I hope your face doesn't stay glued in that big silly grin you have now