Hi all, this is my first post to the list. I´m new in linux and want to practice a bit with it. At home i have three computers, twoo with Ms Windows and one with Linux. Every Windows machine has a NIC and the Linux machine hast two NIC´s. I connect the Windows machines to the Linux one with a UTP Cross-Over (hub to hub) direct nic to nic cable. Its more easy if you see it ... +---------------------+ +---------------------+ | WIN1 | | WIN2 | | | | | | | | | +---------------------+ +---------------------+ | | | | | | \ / \ / \ / +------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | || **LINUX** | | |Eth0 | | Eth1 | +------------------------------------------------------------------+ My question is how can i make WIN1 see WIN2 ? I´ve beeing playing around with route command but it seems not to work. Asswell i would like to know how to make the routing table start with the system; when i restart the routing tables i have entered just disapere. Thanks in advance. P.S.: If it helps, i´m using Suse Linux 6.3. And i don´t have $$$ to buy a HUB. Ahh ... , the Linux machine sees the two Ms Windows. =========================== F. Roque Ojeda Masias Servicio de Informatica Ayto. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Tfno.: (928) 44.62.74 Email: rojeda@laspalmasgc.es ===========================