At 12:13 AM 10/27/1999 -0500, Michael H. Collins wrote:
Sounds like a "running as root" problem!!!!
What , never heard of this before ?? Plan on trying a comlete os insytall from scratch , I probiblky will reseat all the cards, and drive cable before hand. One more try , if not , I will buckle and foind a P75 or tsomething. Its just takeing too much time. P166 can be set up in 20 minuets , much quicker , and it has pci slots for 100 Mgebit Ethernet.
George Toft wrote:
Samy Elashmawy wrote:
At 05:48 AM 10/26/1999 -0400, wrote:
Good day, I'm -still- triying to setup a firewall for my home network using a old 486 Dx66. And i have one doubt:
Darn , they are slow , deleted some files of the 1/2 gig drive , now it wont reboot ,
it stops right after frreeing 44 K memeory , tring to get into inet??somothing I guess,
with foot floppy it sats loading the kernal then stops with "error 0x10 I think.
Any suggesti9on , or just reinstall ( Real Slooooww on this machine). even slower over 10 mbt network.easier then tearing down a second machine for the cdrom. Third/fourth toime getts boring you know <grin>
Tear it down and rebuild it from scratch. You have a serious problem. I have four 486's running right now. They each took about an hour to set up, but they run great. I used one as a workstation for a couple weeks while my AMD K6-266 was sick. If it's slow, it's prbably not a Linux problem.
-- George Toft Hawaii Pacific University MSIS Graduate Student "Investigating the Effects of Organization Size, Industry, and Workgroup Size on Server Administration Costs and Downtime."
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-- Michael H. Collins aka: TurboTex linuxlink Inc. 512-442-3151 512-656-9508 The Final NT Service Pack: TurboLinux 4.0 * *
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