* Togan Muftuoglu (toganm@users.sourceforge.net) [010505 13:59]: }=}Ok here is what I understand if I use procmail it will deliver to mail to the appropriate folders based on the filtering rules. }=} }=}That means I would have to go over all of my folders to see if I have received email. Including the business mails I receive my daily email rate is somewhere between 500-750 depending the day. Especially the business mails I do not want to skip since I may have headaches later. So I would like to see them in one folder and once I have a look at them they should be delivered to the appropriate folders for archiveing purposes. }=} }=}So will procmail do this if the answer is yes then I am ready to go and play with it and of course call for help Put this in your .muttrc and it will alert you to new emails in the folders you choose :) mailboxes =Incoming =SLE =work Well, you get the general idea..just replace the above mailboxes with how you have named your own and it will let you know if you have new mail. You can also use gkrellm to notify you..I have it pointed at 15 mailboxes and it's damn nice if your in X. :) -- Ben Rosenberg mailto:ben@whack.org ----- If two men agree on everything, you can be sure that only one of them is doing the thinking.