* George Walsh (gjmwalsh@netscape.net) [020430 14:44]:
And also of interest is the listing for SuSE 8.0 in good old amazon.com to which reference was made yesterday. There is a little patch of fine print there which says that it cannot be shipped to Canada, so I presume - in spite of losing 4 soldiers to 'friendly fire' - we are now engraved on some paranoid terrorist list.
No, that's normal for Amazon not to ship software to Canada...it's a real PITA.
All I can elicit from SuSE (via digitalriver.com) is they are sorry but they don't know when, but they wont charge me until they ship. I thought that was rather sporty of them :-)
If you order online from us you'll get stuck paying all of the tariff and other costs...You should be able to find us at http://www.futureshop.com. -- -ckm