Yes, thanks, I found that after some more looking around. But, it still doesn't help me. I still can't get Postfix to send mail to/through my ISP. They require SMTP AUTH. Well. I have cyrus-sasl installed and configured and I still can't get it to work. I was trying to get this working so I could use Mutt, afer it being recommended by some experienced users on this list. I have Fetchmail and Procmail set up. I can fetch my mail, sort it with procmail, read it with mutt, I just can't send any mail with postfix. Oh well, I've still got Sylpheed. On Sat, 27 Apr 2002 22:58:48 -0500 Jeffrey Taylor <> wrote:
Look at /etc/rc.config.d/postfix.rc.config. You may be able to do what you want with just this file or may need to turn off SuSEconfig's meddling with:
HTH, Jeffrey
Quoting Jerry Van Brimmer <>:
I gave up on Sendmail, and now I'm trying to configure Postfix. All I want to do is get Postfix to send my mail to my dialup ISP mail server, which requires SMTP Auth. In my /etc/postfix/ file I enter:
relayhost =
Then I run "postfix reload".
Everything goes okay up to this point. Then I run SuSEconfig just for kicks because I know it will run at some time in the future when I install another package or do an online update, so I want to see what it will do to my system. Well, SuSEconfig changes "relayhost =" back to "relayhost ="
Why does it do this and how do I stop it?
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