Carlos E. R. wrote: [snip]
It happened to me yesterday when I was installing them. I had to do what the file "/usr/src/kernel-modules/nv_glx/README" tells (as I had recompiled the kernel), and then run "sax2 -r" - modifiing the existing config worked as root, crashed as user.
Also notice that there are different versions of the rpm for each distro.
holla, as i said in an earlier post, it's 5am over at Grecia, and i just got done doing some raindancing/waving chickenlegs soaked in Gate's blood, in hopes that everything is alright and openGL/3D *IS* working and it's actually giving me more an 0.0012 fps in Unreal Tournament AND that it's not gonna crash ( i know i'm asking too much...) SUGGESTION: nvviews.net's linux discussion board is cool, but i really don't like having to go through 2K threads to find a possible solution to my problem. So, i think, i'll sit down and create a FAQ/HOWTO install the kavrona NVidia drivers just for SuSE. I'm running 8.0, but i'm asking for suggestions (in private email, por favor) from all the pueblo and all version. Gracias damn i got to get some sleep, but there's not enough hours in the day...