5 Jul
5 Jul
On 04/07/05, Daniel Sheppeard <daniel.sheppeard@gmail.com> wrote:
Every time I restart my machine (which I don't do all that often, but still often enough for this to be a pain) the mouse stops working. I have to start YaST and set the mouse up again from there using the keyboard. It keeps the old selection, and all I have to do is tab over to 'Test' and then it works fine. I've tried several different mouse selections, and all of them either do this or just don't work at all.
I'm running Suse 9.3. The mouse is a USB wheel mouse from HP.
Any ideas?
I had the same problem recently and posted the solution to the list http://lists.suse.com/archive/suse-linux-e/2005-Jun/2139.html This might be the same problem/solution. C.