I got the following blurb from linuxiso.org ----- "3. Dissemination - It is forbidden to reproduce or distribute data carriers ( read cd's? Update - Now that I think about this, 'data carriers' sounds a lot like wires and cables, sometimes called the Internet. ) which have been reproduced without authorisation for payment without the prior written consent of SuSE GmbH or SuSE Linux. Distribution of the YaST programme, its sources, whether amended or unamended in full or in part thereof, and the works derived thereof for a charge require the prior written consent of SuSE GmbH." I've read the GPL, several times, but don't understand it well enough to KNOW whether or not this complies with the letter of the GPL. I do FEEL, however, that this DOES NOT comply with the intent of the GPL, namely, that the distribution of software containing or derived from other GPL software shall NOT be restricted, in any way. This looks, sounds and smells like a restriction to me. Coming on the heels of a delayed public release of files only, no iso image, I'm starting to get the feeling that SuSE doesn't want to play nice with anyone who doesn't want to buy SuSE in a box. I could be wrong, hell I hope I'm wrong, but until I get some clarification on this, I am taking our SuSE page down (not like it has any value now) and substituting this message in its place. I also intend to return a review copy of SuSE 7.1 Professional. - Carlie ----- Can someone PLEASE tell me what it is going on? Lenz, is SuSE going to release a 7.1 iso? Is SuSE straying from the norm (and the GPL) here? I have purchased 4 boxed sets of SuSE Linux, which if this turns out to be how SuSE chooses to do business, they will be my last. Chris Kulish