On 07-Jul-01 Linux - User wrote:
Hi guys !
I'm using SuSE 7.1 on my Database Servers, using the Default SuSE JDK 1.1.8
I need to load some Java Classes to the Database, with the "loadjava" script that came already with Oracle Database.
When I run the loadjava script it gave me the:
oracle@preprod:~/8i/u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.7/bin > loadjava SIGSEGV received at bfffdb38 in /opt/oracle/8i/u01/app/oracle/jre/1.1.8/lib/linux/native_threads/libjava .so. Processing terminated Writing stack trace to javacore839.txt ... OK Segmentation fault
Talking about seg-faulting etc.: 1. Anyone getting (like me) segfault with "xfractint" as soon as you press the "DEL" button to "Choose fractal type"? [This on SuSE 7.2 in my case]. 2. Netscape 4.77 on 7.2 is quite predictably collapsing with "bus error" for some sites. While that is not news for Netscape (it's been a bane since Netscape 3), I was hoping to see less of it after upgrading from Netscape 3.1 Gold (on SuSE 5.1) to 4.77 on 7.2 since latterly many sites use Java code which throws the old version. Or is there a problem with recent Java in Linux? 3. I noticed a recent posting about kwintv 8.5 segfaulting in SuSE 7.2 I don't use xwintv myself, but see this as adding a detail to a picture. 4. THIS ONE IS SERIOUS. I have tried the Acrobat Reader that comes with SuSE 7.2 on several PDF files. In _each_and_every_case_ it begins to show the file, and then come[s] one or more popup window[s] which say[s]: There was an error processing a page Segmentation Violation caught Many of these are files which have been displayed without problems by earlier versions of Acrobat Reader. This applies not only to PDF files I have created myself, but also to ones which can be found on the 7.2 distribution such as /usr/share/texmf/doc/latex/hyperref/manual.pdf (this one, if ftp'd across to the old system, displays perfectly under Acrobat Reader 3.0, no "Segmentation Violation"). However, if I turn off Smoothing (File->Preferences->General->Smooth Text and Images->unselect) all is well. Usually I get the above "Segmentation Violation caught"; occasionally it exits with a message "Exited with error code 0x400e0009". 5. Have a go with "xcam". Click "Preferences" and then click on the button for "Show advanced options" or "Show kooltips". Again, I get a segmentation fault. (On either monitor). (Mind you, I don't have any relevant devices available, but even so it shouldn't segfault). Now, I see three main possible explanations here. One is that I have dodgy hardware (RAM or CPU or Motherboard), but on the other hand it is brand-new and it has been checked by the supplier. Another is that SuSE-7.2 comes with rather a lot of software which is buggy and segfaults anyway (e.g. Acrobat Reader ... ??). The above is only what I have noticed myself, and I haven't gone through everything installed by a long way. A third is that there is something not right with the SuSE-7.2 core: kernel or basic libs, which is incompatible with the programs which segfault. I would very much like to have a good indication of why this is happening. This system is intended for use in real work, and soon. This will involve a lot of work "migrating" existing software to the new system. I cannot accept using it "in real life" if I can't trust it, and I don't want to do all that work and then find out I have to start again with a different distribution. Any offers for explanations, anyone? Ted. -------------------------------------------------------------------- E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <Ted.Harding@nessie.mcc.ac.uk> Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 167 1972 Date: 08-Jul-01 Time: 10:41:53 ------------------------------ XFMail ------------------------------