On Tue, 2006-05-23 at 21:43 -0400, Bryan J. Smith wrote:
On Tue, 2006-05-23 at 21:43 -0400, Bryan J. Smith wrote:
So much junk that Autodesk has licensed several of their technologies now, and a cross-license has been signed. Visio bought IntelliCAD, Microsoft bought Visio, Microsoft killed it off, and Autodesk adopted VBScript and dropped all non-Windows versions. Then Microsoft started the IntelliCAD consortium and a bunch of guys from Europe licensed it and started improving upon it. And they make it WINE compatible -- including full OpenGL acceleration.
Of course, those of us in the CAM world don't use AutoCAD or slap-ons to it. We use the _premier_ platform for Pro/E, UG, etc...
Unfortunately most folks out my way (major tooling center in North America) don't use UG for Cad or Cam (it's cam was so bug riddled that it violated surfaces when rapiding a tool, and wasn't it actually Camax folded in?). Think of WorkNC, MasterCam, and the one from England that I can't remember the name of for Cam. Catia, CadKEY, MasterCam and some UG for Cad.