31 Dec
31 Dec
From: JvdW <r2d2@yebo.co.za> Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 10:24:34 +0200 Message-Id: <00123110243401.00349@fsck> Subject: Kmail on KDE2 Hi everyone I have a question about KDE2's KMail. In KMail you have your "sender" "subject" and "date" fields. When I open Kmail I have(in order from left to right) subject, sender and then date. I can drag send to the left so that it reads sender, subject, date(the way I like it). But whenever I close Kmail and open it again the fields are back to what they were. Hope this made sense. My question is how do I save it so that it stays the way I made it before closing Kmail?? Is there a setting somewhere that I overlooked? -- l8r ./JvdW