Hello, I spent 2 full days killing myself with single-floppy-linux, and I can say that, if I cant handle the stress, how the h*ll is Gates gunna do it ?? :) So anyway, the ThinMan project is unfolding as a browser based java station running on a SuSE base/cyrix w/ the best pub-dom stuff I can find, with as much from IBM as possible. So I am interested in making an X version of CE, knowing full well that CE will never be a development envrio. Every set-top-box OS dilbert-ately locks down the user, the Corp/MBA is not here to enable you, he/she/they are here to knock you down, maintain control, and squeeze you for $. Needless to say there are companies that support the pub-dom/linux/gnu/artistic principles, but in the consumer market (or arena) the sadder reality is true, and Microsoft, with Bill Gates as founder, is inherit-ly committed to "the squeeze"
Hey, johnvv, lighten up, its Friday
OK Oh yea, I installed debian yesterday from floppies, and in the haze I accidently ordered SuSE.
<A HREF="http://www.zdnet.com/anchordesk/story/story_3060.html"><A HREF="http://www.zdnet.com/anchordesk/story/story_3060.html</A">http://www.zdnet.com/anchordesk/story/story_3060.html</A</A>> -
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