Clayton wrote:
Same here. No one I've asked was aware this contest existed... OK, I haven't asked that many people, but so far it comes as a surprise to everyone. Was it announced in an openSUSE newsletter? This isn't the first time that something was happening, and the larger openSUSE community wasn't aware of it. How are we supposed to be alerted to things like this? newsletter? email? front page of the site? Somehow a bunch of us are missing out on a part of the community activities.
Definitely it should have been at News at least. I thought I saw it there but now it seems I was wrong. Anyway, we'll announce it better, please, submit your ideas :) Thx & Bye Lukas -- Lukas Ocilka, YaST Developer (xn--luk-gla45d) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Ano, ano. Moudry rozkaz. Sam jsem nemel v tech gratulacich jasno.