Ken Schneider wrote:
On Wed, 2005-05-18 at 10:36 -0400, James Knott wrote:
Is there any way to get this to work as intended?
Why, after all this time and at least four versions, can't KDE & SuSE make something that works???
Do you by chance have netapplet installed, it is supposed to interface with kwifimanager.
Description : netapplet is a notification area applet that allows users to change between various network devices or networks in one click. It includes support for switching between wireless network ESSIDs as well as more traditional ethernet devices.
Yes it is installed. And, if I read that link correctly, someone else is complaining that Kwifimanager should use it, but doesn't. Again, SuSE & KDE have provided a potentially useful tool, that I've yet to see work, through four SuSE versions. You'd think that after I and others had filed a report on this problem, they might take a hint and fix the damn thing. There is no excuse for such shoddy work. Either fix it or remove it.