Sun, 19 Feb 2023 00:08:06 -0600 J Leslie Turriff <> :
Where is this information shared? All of the information (little enough) I have seen has come either from discussions here or from outside reports from the likes of The Register; and the comments that I have seen here from people who are apparently 'in-the-know' seem 1) dismissive of our concerns, and 2) unwilling to explain what their intentions are.
A+ It borders on what the French call 'obscurantisme', like what exactly is 'the community' if not the only thing that it could be to rational people: the user base? It's nice to have hackers and backers but at the end of the day what you have without the users is NOTHING. And while on users, I suspect that 90% of us are average Joe's who are NOT sysadmins and who use several id's for ourselves and maybe a few for family members but that's it. Are there really more than just a few real multi-user machines for which some would seem to think that Linux exclusively exists? I don't think so, and while on 'users' I claim that most of us appreciate the opportunity to use the keyboard from time to time but we certainly don't want it to be the only way to interface with a heap of rare minerals :-) --
Leslie -- Platform: Linux Distribution: openSUSE Leap 15.4 x86_64