Darryl, et al -- ...and then Darryl Gregorash said... % % I had absolutely no problems upgrading to 15.3, and no problems with % system functionality since then. Great to know. And I have my 15.1 desktop as a guinea pig, too. % % I would, however, recommend anyone upgrading to 15.3 do so from a USB % stick, and choose the upgrade option in the menu. That will % automatically bring in the new update repositories, and you do have a % choice of retaining existing repositories (eg. Packman) that you may % have added -- with those, you simply need to edit the URL to point to % the proper repository. I gave myself on each box a 32G slice plus another 32G for alternate OS, so I could install into there and fall back if necessary. It would be nice to not have to go through the whole mess of creating users and mounts and such again, though, so I think I might dupe over the partition and try the upgrade on that. I'd love it if I could always have the happy fallback :-) Thanks again & HANN :-D -- David T-G See http://justpickone.org/davidtg/email/ See http://justpickone.org/davidtg/tofu.txt